Come get a taste of what our longer program, Wild Self will feel like in this 3 hour workshop! Our goal with this workshop is to nourish you. Inspired by the work of Clarissa Pincola Estés in her ground breaking book, Women Who Run With the Wolves we will bring forth and explore the wild woman archetype. What is this force that Estes argues is inseparable from who we are? How can we sense it, get in touch with it so it can strengthen our imagination, our intuition and fuel our life? Estés describes the Wild Woman archetype in the introduction to her book as follows,

How does the Wild Woman archetype affect women? With Wild Woman as ally, as leader, model, teacher, we see not through two eyes, but through the eyes of intuition which is many-eyed. When we assert intuition, we are therefore like the starry night, we gaze at the world through a thousand eyes.

When we give ourselves time to slow down, and listen within, we give the creative beings in our unconscious a chance to talk to us and play! There is much hidden in the realms of our unconscious, creative treasures our waking life would benefit from integrating.

Structured around one of the myths in Dr. Estés book Women Who Run With The Wolves the workshop will consist of somatic movement exercises, discussion, intuitive writing exercises, sharing, and gentle yogic breath work. Our hope is that these exercises will be ones you can take with you and do on your own. The workshop will give you uninterrupted time with your imagination, so your body can slow down, and feel the rhythms of your intuition emerge in a shared collective space with others.

Investment: sliding scale: $45-$150 (plus hst)

wild self sample session Workshop

3 hour online workshop co-facilitated with Kat Nantz

Sunday March 23rd 1-4pm EST

WILD SELF : a seasonal 3 month body soul creative journey Running over 12 months

3 month body soul seasonal sessions with opportunity to participate in 1 or all 3 sessions. Program co facilitated with kat nantz

Inspired by Dr. Estés groundbreaking book, Women Who Run With The Wolves we will connect to the wild women archetype through ancient, age old myths and stories, movement, attunement and embodied writing practices that remind us how to return home to the sanctity and sanctuary of our bodies and souls. This program is a soul retreival. It’s a remembering of our wild ways of being, our intuition, our aliveness, our erotic selves. This program is a waking up from the amnesia and fog that made us forget what we are truly made of. 

Value: Monthly 3 hour classes, a rich long term community with built in calls with each other,  24/7 community chat, monthly one-on-one calls with facilitators, leadership opportunities to lead biweekly calls, a deep soulful dive back into yourself. Sliding scale applications available.

Artist: Erin Darling

Artist: Erin Darling

Dream Dreamers

4 Week Dream Interpretation Workshop Series

Want to bring the wisdom of your dreams into your life? Come discover the buried treasure in your unconscious while nurturing the creative being in you! A deeply nourishing way to start the new year.

A 4-week Winter Course in January where the nights are long for dreaming:

Inspired by the wisdom of Jungian analysts Robert Johnson, Marion Woodman and Clarissa Pinkola Estés we will dive into the mystery of our dreams! Participants will bring in their dreams to engage in different creative processes. We will use creative writing exercises to make meaning of the messages from our psyches, as well as the use of collage and movement as part of the interpretation process. There will be time each week where participants will have the opportunity to share their writing and dreams in a discussion circle.

Investment: $200.00

Writing the Wild Being Within

4 week Spring and Autumn Offerings Creative Writing and Movement Course

Using a variety of creative approaches through both writing and movement participants will get to sink into the depths of their imaginations and psyches. Through poetry, guided visualizations, writing prompts, unique exercises that open the channels of our imaginations, individuals, regardless of where they are at in their writing journey, will feel inspired with the weekly commitment to an inner writing rhythm.

Investment: $200.00

For the Love of Writing and Moving

Intuitive Writing & Gentle Movement annual spring and autumn 1 Day Workshop

Spring and Autumn equinoxes are powerful, transitional times of year.  When we give ourselves time to slow down, and listen within, we give the creative beings in our unconscious a chance to play! There is much hidden in the realms of our unconscious, creative treasures our waking life would benefit from integrating. Our imaginations and dreams life our ripe pathways into the deeper parts of ourselves. Drawing on intuitive writing exercises, gentle movement, and yogic breathing, this workshop will give you uninterrupted time with your imagination, so your body can slow down, welcome and feel the rhythms of both the changing season and your intuition merge together in a shared collective space with others. Nourishing snacks, tea, coffee, homemade lunch and stationery available. Please bring your journal if you have one. Spaces are limited. Please sign up here to register or for more information.

Investment: $180.00


  • Tessa prides herself on offering above all, safe spaces to calm the nervous system and create. We can’t learn or do much of anything if we don’t feel safe. You can expect a nourishing, hand crafted container that uniquely holds and believes in the unbounding potential in each person to come home to their inner world. It is a deeply held belief of Tessa’s that showing up to these spaces is a radical act. When we look to repair our relationship with ourselves, through engaging our creativity, we can then go out into the world and offer our skills to rebuild the loving world we want and so desperately need.

  • A lot of time and energy goes into creating these handcrafted workshops. The price reflects hours of unseen labour imagining and planning out what each unique group of participants are going to need and benefit from. Tessa draws on years of experience during two degrees of studying and learning about stories, teaching and learning and 13 years as a high school English and drama teacher.

  • Crying is welcomed and encouraged. Tears are a sign you feel safe to let go and move energy through your body. It is a beautiful thing when we cry. Many of the participants cry in the workshops and there is lots of loving support and kleenex there for you. A tenant of the work that is mentioned right away is we are not here to fix each other or offer advice because no one is broken.

  • You only move to the degree your body feels comfortable. No activity is forced, only invited. There are always a range of different movements and invitations that participants can partake in. For example when we do a “move to music” activity some participants dance while others sit in their chairs and gently sway. Tessa honours and trusts that each participant knows exactly how to take care of their body and what it needs during each exercise.

  • I take this topic very seriously. Everyone who participates in the workshops agrees to hold everything that is shared in the space in strict confidence.


The following student testimonials are from Dream Dreamers participants:


The following student testimonials are from Intuitive Writing and Gentle Movement participants: